Monday, October 19, 2009


I want to thank you for your interest in my photographs from New York Fashion week, September 2009.

What an amazing week of exciting events and colorful people. I shot hundreds and hundreds of images and have been diligently editing them all.

In my search, I wanted to encapsulate the level of individual expressionism and color from the people at Fashion Week, as well as capture the ethereal atmosphere.

My vision, direction and context in Photography comes from many years on-set in the Fashion Industry (, and studies at the New York Studio School, 2004 Alumni (

From a colorist perspective, this collection of work reflects my meditation on color, expressionism and individualism and their relationship to the concept of beauty, joy and harmony, through the two-week's experiences, thoughts and observations.

In the journey to paint songs of life now, the subjects are filtered through a questioning of the status quo.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Edie Is Still Alive

After this woman's phone call- asking me to come over to her apartment and help her decide what to wear- I was amazed by her collection of clothes. They reminded me of something, and screamed out,
"Oh my God, oh my God, Edith is still alive!" ..and the story began.

Throughout fashion week, Edie became my muse and companion and -with all her wonderful, colorful, outrageous complexities- we had a ball.